

Most of the wallpapers published on have been collected from different resources on internet including but not limited to free websites. Some of the wallpapers are created by ourselves while some of them are provided by end users.
If you object or don’t like a wallpaper published on to our web site, please Contact us with particular URL and wallpaper name (example abc.jpg) and along with your concern whether it’s being created by your own and don’t want to share or find unethical or explicit etc. reserves the right to take action and decided to host on to the website or not that’s provided by third party or user. All images on this website are copyrighted by their respective authors.
Users Please note: images / wallpapers can only be used for personal use for desktop wallpaper. If you are planning to use these wallpapers or images for any other purpose (or commercially) then you must get permission from their respective owner.